Over time, our facial features will inevitably begin to show signs of aging, commonly in the form of lines, wrinkles, and volume deficits in the cheeks and midfacial region. While surgical procedures like the Ogee facelift may be able to effectively address these concerns, the revolutionary injectable treatment known as JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA™ can be particularly beneficial for patients who do not wish to undergo surgery.

Developed by Allergan, Inc., JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA™ is the first and only volume-enhancing injectable filler of its kind to receive FDA approval for augmentation in the cheeks and midface, particularly along the ogee curve (where the cheekbone transitions into the hollow of the mid-cheek). Similar to that of JUVÉDERM®, the JUVÉDERM VOLUMA™ solution is composed of hyaluronic acid gel, a substance found naturally in the body that works to hydrate and replenish the skin. As a result of its organic nature, no allergy testing is required prior to treatment.


Juvederm_VolumaXC_logoWith JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA™, the injection process typically takes about 15 to 30 minutes to complete, depending on the number of areas being treated. Using a thin blunt needle, Dr. Paul LoVerme will gently administer the injections underneath the skin along the ogee curve of the face. The blunt needle greatly reduces the risk of bruising with the injection. Once injected, the filler works to instantaneously restore volume to the cheeks and midface while also helping to smooth lines and wrinkles in the treatment area. Voluma can be combined with other treatments such as BOTOX® Cosmetic or JUVÉDERM® Ultra, or IPL for brown spots or broken capillaries.


There is little to no downtime following treatment, so patients can expect to return to their daily routines almost immediately. Additionally, only one JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA™ treatment is typically necessary to achieve optimal results that have been scientifically-proven to last up to two years.


Ultimately, there are currently no other injectables on the market able to match the efficacy and longevity of midfacial volume-enhancing results that can be achieved with JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA™.

For more information about JUVÉDERM VOLUMA™, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. LoVerme, please contact our office today.