Areola Reduction

Creating symmetry and balanced proportions is central to achieving optimal breast and chest aesthetics. When the nipples and areolae (the darker-skinned areas around the nipples) are overly large in comparison to the breasts, our plastic surgeon Paul LoVerme, MD can perform areola reduction procedures to create a more proportionate and visually appealing appearance.

To learn more about this procedure, please explore the informative sections provided below or contact The LoVerme Center for Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation.

What Is Areola Reduction? 

The appearance of large nipples can be reduced through a simple procedure known as areola reduction surgery. Sometimes this procedure is performed solely to reduce the size of the areola, or it can be appropriate for improving the appearance of nipples/areolae that look “puffy.” Areola reduction surgery involves the removal of excess tissue along the border of the areola to create a more balanced and proportionate appearance with respect to the breasts and chest.

Who Is a Candidate for Areola Reduction?

There are many factors that can contribute to the appearance of overly large or disproportionately shaped areolae. Large areolae may be the result of genetics, weight gain, weight loss, hormonal changes, aging, pregnancy, or other causes—and in nearly all cases, Dr. LoVerme can perform areola reduction to improve the appearance of the nipples, breasts, and chest. Depending on your unique needs and cosmetic goals, Dr. LoVerme can perform areola reduction on its own or as part of a more extensive surgery such as breast lift, breast reduction, or gynecomastia (male breast reduction) surgery. To determine whether you are a suitable candidate for areola reduction, a consultation with Dr. LoVerme is required. During this appointment, Dr. LoVerme will examine your chest, review your medical history, and (if you are a candidate) develop a customized surgical plan that can create the new look you desire. 

What Happens During Areola Reduction?

During areola reduction, Dr. LoVerme will make a small incision around the areola and remove this excess tissue, then reshape and resize the areola. There is generally minimal scarring, and what little there is can be difficult to detect. The whole procedure typically only lasts about one hour under local anesthesia, with or without sedation, and you can usually return to a normal routine within a day. Areola reduction surgery is often performed in tandem with breast reduction and breast lift procedures, also available at our Northern New Jersey practice.

What Is Recovery Like After Areola Reduction?

Following areola reduction, it is common to experience some mild bruising, swelling, and tenderness in the initial phase of healing. Complete healing typically takes approximately six weeks; however, recovery time can vary among individuals and often depends upon the unique details of his or her surgery. For optimal healing, Dr. LoVerme encourages patients to closely follow all post-op care instructions and attend all follow-up appointments. In the initial phase of healing, incisions will likely appear reddish and raised; however, any scar tissue will fade and flatten with time. The majority of patients find that their scars eventually become undetectable and blend nicely with the border of the areola.

Do you have questions about areola reduction? Contact The LoVerme Center for Plastic Surgery to learn more.

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